| Head of Performance Services | Great Britain Boxing & UK Sports Institute
Ian has been a sport physiotherapist for over 25 years, with a considerable period spent managing the multidisciplinary services for the Great Britain Boxing program. He has attended all major competitions, including multiple Olympic and Commonwealth Games, supporting elite athletes on their path to success. Ian is an UpperLimb Injury Specialist with the prestigious UK Sports Institute (UKSI), providing an advisory role to Olympic and Paralympic Sports. He is the physiotherapist/cutman with team Anthony Joshua & other professional boxers. Further, he provides private specialist consultations (ONLINE and/or face-to-face) on UpperLimb MSK injuries, to both sporting and non-sporting clientele, with a focus on complex/chronic cases.
Ian has a passion for education delivering regular UK and international workshops, webinars, and at conferences on diverse topics linked to the UpperLimb. He consistently provides lecturing services to various academic institutions, namely; University College London, Queen Mary University London, and Nottingham University. Further, Ian has completed a PhD in UpperLimb Sports Biomechanics at the Advanced Wellness Research Centre (AWRC) located at Sheffield Hallam University. He is an accomplished author with various peer-reviewed publications. Finally, Ian aims to enhance the UpperLimb knowledge, for both clinicians and wider public, with regular posts through his social media platforms.